Enrolling with DSPS

Who can qualify for services?

In accordance with California Community College policies and federal and state laws, accommodations can be provided to individuals with disabilities to ensure equitable access to educational opportunities.  Through an interactive process with the student, a DSPS Accommodations Specialist will determine appropriate accommodations based on the student’s disability-related educational limitations.

A disability-related educational limitation prevents a student from fully benefiting from classes, activities, or services offered by the college without specific additional supports or accommodations.

How to Sign Up for Services with DSPS

After enrolling at WCC, a student with a disability can apply to the DSPS Program.

To sign up for services with DSPS:

  1. Complete and submit the DSPS Application for Services
  2. Complete and submit the DSPS Intake Interview form
  3. Provide disability documentation to the DSPS office, such as:
    DSPS Disability Verification form completed by a licensed professional
    – An IEP or 504 plan
    – Signed letter from a licensed medical provider
  4. After submitting the required paperwork, the DSPS office will contact the student to schedule an intake appointment.   During the intake appointment, accommodations will be determined and other general support will be provided as needed.

DSPS students must request their accommodations each semester. 

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