What is DSPS, and what do we do?

The Department of Supportive Programs and Services (DSPS) at Woodland Community College offers specialized support services and accommodations to students who have verified disabilities. These supports contribute to successful participation in college programs, courses, and activities. DSPS also serves as a resource for students, faculty, and staff to ensure an inclusive environment at WCC. 

Enroll in DSPS

Woodland DSPS

Location: Building 700, Room 764
(530) 661-5797
Fax: (530) 661-5788
Email: wccdsps@yccd.edu

Office Hours
Monday-Friday: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

Colusa County Campus

Phone: (530) 668-2500
Email: wccdsps@yccd.edu

Lake County DSPS 

Location: Building 100, Room 141A
(707) 995-7910
Fax: (707) 994-5223
Email: kboles@yccd.edu

Office Hours
Monday-Friday: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm



Request a one-on-one informational meeting with DSPS

Please view the DSPS links to the left to learn more about our department and some of the supports and services that we provide to Woodland Community College students with disabilities.

Please contact us, if you have any questions regarding your eligibility to receive accommodations and services with DSPS, or if we can be of assistance.