EOPS Eligibility Requirements

  1. Be a California resident
  2. Income Requirement
    1. CCPG A, B, or C with zero (0) EFC
      1. EOPS looks at a student's FAFSA or Dream Act application to verify income. Students receiving the California College Promise Grant (CCPG), type A or B, are eligible. If they are Type C, they must have a $0 estimated family contribution (EFC). So, although a student may receive the CCPG waiver, it doesn't guarantee EOPS eligibility.
  3. Be enrolled in 12 units (full-time enrollment)
    1. Students enrolled in 9 units or more may apply, but priority is given to full-time students. There is no unit requirement for DSPS students.
  4. Background Qualifiers
    1. Must meet one of the following educational disadvantage background qualifiers:
      1. Did not graduate from high school, pass the California High School Proficiency Examination, or obtain the General Education Diploma (GED)
      2. Graduated from high school with a GPA of 2.49 or below
      3. Does not qualify for the minimum level English or Mathematics coursework required for an Associate degree
      4. Was previously enrolled in remedial education courses
      5. Is the first in his/her family to attend college
      6. The primary language spoken at home is/was non-English
      7. Is a foster youth, a former foster youth, or a ward of the court
  5. Academic Factors
    1. Cannot have earned a degree already
    2. Must have at least a 2.0 GPA
    3. Cannot have already completed more than 70 Associate degree applicable units
    4. If attended other college(s), will need to attach or email unofficial transcript(s) to application
Learn more about the CARE program eligibility requirements.


How long can you be in the program? Once a student has been accepted into the EOP&S program and continues to follow their Mutual Responsibility Contract with the program, they do not have to reapply every semester. EOPS will continue to provide the student services until they have completed one of the following (whichever of the three comes first):
  • Received services for 6 consecutive semesters
  • Earned 70+ Degree Applicable Units
    • Depending on the student's major, the program may continue providing services if the student is working towards a high-unit major
  • Earned a Degree

What is an "economic disadvantage"?

  • EOP&S is for low-income students. We call this an "Economic Disadvantage." Students must qualify for the California College Promise Grant (CCPG) to be eligible for EOP&S. Students apply for the fee waiver through the Financial Aid department

EOPS/CARE is for students with an "educational disadvantage."

A student may be considered educationally disadvantaged if the student meets one of the following criteria:
  • Did not graduate from high school, pass the California High School Proficiency Examination, or obtain the General Education Diploma (GED)
  • Graduated from high school with a GPA of 2.49 or below
  • Does not qualify for the minimum level English or Mathematics course work required for an Associate degree
  • Was previously enrolled in remedial education courses
  • Is the first in his/her family to attend college
  • Is a foreign born resident with language difficulty
  • Is a foster youth, a former foster youth, or ward of the court
  • Meets other criteria considered relevant by the Program Coordinator