Welcome to TracDat
TracDat is a web-based software that allows us to collect, track and report out on Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) and program review requests and recommendations. Yuba Community College District, Office of Vice Chancellor of Educational Services and Planning purchased the program in December of 2010 for the purposes of meeting SLO proficiency by 2012, as well as streamlining continuous quality improvement based on evidence from program reviews.
What is TracDat?
- Is a systematic approach to understand, communicate and achieve course, program and institutional goals
- Facilitates completion of the feedback loop from assessment to improvement of student learning
- Establishes the link between department/course objectives to institutional goals
- Provides dynamic generated reports that enable end-users to quickly access and review their unit’s information
Why do we need TracDat?
The Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC) issued a directive in 1995 (recently revised in 2011) that:
“The institution defines and publishes for each program then program’s expected student learning and achievement outcomes. Through regular and systematic assessment, it demonstrates that students who complete programs, no matter where or how they are offered, achieve these outcomes.” (Source: Eligibility Requirements, June 2011).
All accredited colleges are expected to be at a “proficiency” level of Student Learning Outcomes implementation, meaning SLOs are defined and published for all courses, programs and degrees. Additionally, results of continuous assessment are being used for improvement and wide-spread dialogue. (Source: Rubric for Evaluating Institutional Effectiveness, 2007.)
In order to meet these directives and requirements, WCC needed a way to consolidate and organize everyone’s outcomes and results in order to create the “big picture” that ACCJC is looking for. Several options were researched, and TracDat, with its successful track record with other California Community Colleges, fit the bill.
What does TracDat mean for me?
- No more forms! Instead of searching for forms or data — you simply log in to TracDat, and everything is at your fingertips, including your program review data sheets!
- No more sending things to the SLO Committee or Research and never seeing it again, or have it get lost in the virtual black hole of e-mails. You have full control and access to your data and information. Any updates, changes or new information can be added or changed at any time!
- Do you struggle with collecting data from adjunct? TracDat let’s you e-mail adjunct a link to TracDat so they can enter in their information — no username or password needed.
- Frustrated with the lack of feedback or collaboration? TracDat allows multiple users, with options for access levels, to view, comment or run reports to share information.
In other words, your SLO assessments and program reviews just became a powerful tool to improve and grow your program!
Sounds great! How can I get started?
Note, that TracDat access is currently available to faculty, adjunct faculty, administrators and staff. To request access you will need to contact your site administrator.
Username: Your username is your first initial and last name with no spaces (i.e. John Smith’s username will be jsmith).
Password: If you have not received a password, please contact your site administrator Dean Siria Martinez via email at: smartinez@yccd.edu.
Submitting Course SLO’s via TracDat
Adjunct faculty please use the form below to submit your course SLO’s. Once received, your forms will be uploaded to TracDat. If you need assistance in completing the form or if you experience technical difficulties, please contact Dean Siria Martinez.