Academic Senate 10+1
The Academic Senate of Woodland Community College fosters the effective participation by faculty in academic and professional matters; develops, promotes, and acts upon policies responding to concerns; and serves as the official voice of the faculty of WCC in academic and professional matters. The Academic Senate strengthens and supports the faculty voices at Woodland Community College. According to Title 5 section 53200 (b) of the California Code of Regulations, the primary function of the Academic Senate is to make recommendations with respect to the following areas:
- Curriculum including establishing prerequisites and placing courses within disciplines
- Degree and certificate requirements
- Grading policies
- Educational program development
- Standards or policies regarding student preparation and success
- District and college governance structures, as related to faculty roles
- Faculty roles and involvement in accreditation processes, including self-study and annual reports
- Policies for faculty professional development activities
- Processes for program review
- Processes for institutional planning and budget development
- (otherwise known as +1) Other academic and professional matters as mutually agreed upon between the governing board and the academic senate
WCC Senate Areas of Focus
(Adopted 9/13/2024)
Equity-focus: Advocate for enhanced and authentic inclusion of equity-mindedness to support the efforts of the college in the education and support of our diverse student populations. Possible activities (including, but not limited to)
- Support faculty hiring, mentorship, and retention of diverse faculty.
- Advocate for curriculum development with equity inclusion
- Increase faculty engagement in support of local college IDEAA efforts and professional development.
- Ensure that equity-focused activities, strategies, and action support students at WCC, LCC, and CCC
Guided Pathways: Support and advance the full implementation of Guided Pathways, while also encouraging ongoing conversation about student access, momentum, and impact of Guided Pathways on various student groups. Possible activities (including, but not limited to)
- Work with administration for faculty leadership of Guided Pathways work
- Encourage faculty participation in the review and design of pathways and associated maps.
- Promote efforts and work to build interconnected collaboration within each interest area. Promote establishing faculty work groups around GP interest areas and establish student-centric collaborations.
- Encourage inter-division (inter-pathway) collaborations and collaborations with and among our other system partners
Communication: Improve communication within the Senate and between the Senate and constituents across all sites (WCC, LCC, CCC) to support inclusivity, transparency, and collaboration in shared governance. Possible activities (including, but not limited to)
- Develop a Senate communication and feedback collection strategy.
- Plan professional development to hone communication skills and capacity for communication.
- Endeavor to provide context in communication and exercise audience awareness.
- Harness technology to be more strategic about community.
Increase support and development of student government: Work with our student government groups to support student leadership development across the college and from all sites (WCC, LCC, CCC) and encourage diverse student voices to be included in our college governance. Possible activities (including, but not limited to)
- Advocate and encourage student participation with our college’s student government.
- Partner with ASWCCC to build student leadership skills and opportunities for increased student engagement, including other approved student organizations.
- Work with ASWCCC to support inclusion of students at LCC and CCC in ASWCC work. Also support, as needed, the re-establishment of student leadership at LCC and CCC.
- Collaborate with the newly hired Interim Director of Retention and Student Life (not interim anymore?) who will serve as the advisor for ASWCC.
- Create mentorship opportunities and activities to network with Senators.
Build community and a network of support: Work with faculty, staff, and administration to foster a sense of community. Possible activities (including, but not limited to)
- Create opportunities for faculty to safely and openly share professional challenges and be given support and access to resources.
- Inter-division collaborations and with our other system partners.
- Encourage development of activities and opportunities…fun!
- Support faculty mentorship and fostering faculty leadership.
Support college/district data needs: Collaborate, advocate, and actively ensure faculty participation with the college and district assessment and validation of our institutional data. Possible activities (including, but not limited to)
- Work with WCC Office of Institutional Effectiveness to expand the use of equity data (and other appropriate disaggregated data) in college decision-making and planning.
- Ensure that data is being used in the development of college-wide initiatives.
- Advocate for support in the planning and implementation of professional development activities aimed at increasing faculty capacity, skill, knowledge, and engagement with data.
Relationship with College Council: Continue to collaborate with College Council to develop shared college-wide governance goals. Possible activities (including, but not limited to)
- Annual review of committee operating agreements
- Maintain consistent communication to share updates
- Strengthen the role of the Senate resource for College Council
- Clarify our governance structure and process of committee appointments on our college/senate website
- Active participation in conversations around governance restructuring
Emerging Issues: Explore best practices and work with our sister college to develop policies and/or strategies to face changes in education (e.g. AI, CCN, etc.) Possible activities (including, but not limited to)
- Support and stay involved with work at the district-level to create AI policies and resources.
- Create a task force to track AI work across the college and to use the AI survey data to plan professional development and resources for faculty.
- Request information to stay informed about AI technology license purchases and pilots of AI tech.
- Stay informed and support efforts under Phase I of the Common Course Numbering (CCN) implementation.
- Track and disseminate the work of ASCCC and other bodies on all emerging issues.