Work Experience Education
The purpose of work experience education is to provide students with an integrated instructional program that provides opportunities to connect academic curricula to applied experiential learning in the workplace (Title 5.55250).
Work Experience Education (WEE) allows students to earn college credit for supervised paid or volunteer work. Students will develop and assess individualized learning objectives connecting on the job learning to their program of study. Through employer feedback and personal reflections, students will develop desirable work habits, attitudes, and career awareness. The WORK 44 course requires students to work 54 hours for each unit of work experience, up to a maximum of 4 units in one semester.
Work Experience Education (WEE) Eligibility Requirements for Students
1. Enrollment: Register for Work Experience Education course (WORK 44). Students may earn up to 4 units pers semester and a maximum of sixteen units while attending WCC. Make sure to select the number of units when adding this course to your educational plan in Self-Service.
2. Worksite: Before the first day of class, students must have secured employment to participate in Work Experience class.
3. Orientation: Attend a mandatory Work Experience Orientation (See dates and times under Orientation tab on the Work Experience website or in Self-Service under course details).
Completing Hours for Academic Unit
Choose the number of units you wish to earn to figure out how many internship hours you’ll need to complete.
Note: Hours are only counted between the start and end dates, within the semester timeframe.
1 unit = 54 hours per semester
2 units = 108 hours per semester
3 units = 162 hours per semester
4 units = 216 hours per semester
Work Experience Education (WEE) Required Forms
Students must use these forms: You will be expected to review and complete the following required documents and submit them in Canvas.
Work Experience Education Application and Employer Agreement
Work Experience Education Agreement to Participate and Waiver Assumption
Work Experience Education Learning Objectives
Work Experience Education Learning Objectives Evaluation
Work Experience Education Timesheet
Work Experience Education Employer Consultation
Work Experience Education Employer Letter
Contact Us:
Work Experience Coordinator:
Rajdeep Kaur
Phone: (530) 661-5741
Student Services Building 700, Suite 711