Work Experience Education
If you are a part-time or full-time employee, a student assistant, an intern, or volunteer, taking classes in Work Experience Education can help you:
- Earn academic credit for the hours you work
- Document your job and internship experiences
- Enhance your knowledge about the workplace and economic trends
Work 44 Mandatory Orientations
Please plan on attending one (1) of the mandatory Orientation. All mandatory orientations will be held via zoom.
You can also check WORK 44 Canvas shell for days and times for the orientations.
All of our forms are available online or in Canvas and are fillable. Several of the forms require your employer/supervisor’s signature. Please follow the course deadlines in Canvas notated under “Assignments” and upload your completed forms there.
Contact me to learn how to enroll:
Rajdeep Kaur
Work Experience Coordinator
Phone: (530) 661-5741
Student Services Building 700, Suite 711