Thank you for your interest in the development of the library collection.

Step 1: Learn the guiding process behind collection development

Curious about what has been purchased with library funding? Review the history of faculty requests for library materials purchased with library funding.

Step 2: Follow best practices for selecting materials to request using evaluation tools:

  • Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries (Access from Database page)
  • Library Journal (Print access at WCC)
  • Discipline-specific journals, organizations, etc.
Prioritizing Your Requests

The Library asks you to prioritize your requests by indicating one of the following levels: 

  • Essential to curriculum 
  • Supplemental to curriculum 
  • Useful for students or college employees 

You will see a place to make this indication during your request. 

Step 3: Follow the process for the specific type of materials you are requesting:

You will be promoted to log in to Office 365 to request materials.

One-Time Purchases (Books, eBooks, DVDs, etc.)

Add your requests to the One Time Purchases spreadsheet. Please keep in mind the following request cycle, although we may be able to purchase in-between the cycles depending on human & fiscal resources available: 

FALL CYCLE Aug 1 — Sep 30: Library accepts requests for purchase late fall 

SPRING CYCLE Jan 1 — Mar 7: Library accepts requests for purchase late spring 

Subscription Purchases (Streaming Media, Periodicals, Databases, etc.)

The Library budget does not typically get increased to accommodate new subscription-based resources. Because of this, the Library suggests that you also include this request in your department’s program review. We will include your request in our program review. Subscription resources are requested via the Library Subscription Resource Request form.

Quick Links for Requesting

One Time Purchases  

Subscription Purchases