WCC ASWCC 2025-2026

Election Packets

Online Election Packet : Click Here
Printable Election Packet :

Qualifications for becoming a member of the Council:

-Must have completed or have in progress at least 5 units.

– Must have completed 12 or more units at WCC prior to taking office (for President or Vice President only)

-Must be enrolled in 5 or more units per semester while in office

-Must maintain a GPA of 2.0 or higher while in office

-Must attend all meetings in May until they are installed

-Must complete ethics training by September

-Must be able to attend weekly meetings on Thursdays 12-1 pm

2025-2026 Vacancies:

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Secretary 
  • Director of Student Affairs
  • Director of Sustainability
  • Director of Finance Director of Communications
  • Senator for Social Justice and Public Service
  • Senator for STEM, Health, and Applied Technology
  • Senator for Business, Hospitality, and Entrepreneurship: Acct., Econ., Bus., Medical Office Specialist, Entrepreneurship, Culinary, Baking
  • Senator for Natural Resources and the Environment: Ag., Earth Science, Enviro. Hort., Geology, Nat. Sciences, Plant Protection
  • Senator for Arts, Communication, and Culture: Anthropology, Arts & Humanities, Chicana/o Studies, Child Dev., Comm., ECE, Engl., History, Psych., Span.
  • Senator for Lake County Campus: represents the student body of Lake County Campus
  • Senator Colusa County Campus: represents the student body of Colusa County Campus
  • Senators (General) x3
Learn more about how you can join your student government! Email us at aswcc.yccd.edu

Student Trustee Elections

The student trustee serves as the voice of the student body on the board of trustees, advocating for the interests of the entire community and offering insights to help shape a better future for students.

Student Trustee Election Packet:

For a list of positions and their duties please visit our Officer Duties page here: Officer Duties 

Any eligible student may seek an appointment to an open position for more information please email ASWCC@yccd.edu