WCC ASWCC 2024 Fall Election Results

Link to election runner site: https://vote.electionrunner.com/election/Viow6/results

Congratulations to our newly elected student council!

President- Guillermo-Dueñez-Arroyo

Senator for STEM, Health, & Applied Technology- Shawn Tan

Senator for Social Justice & Public Service- Ricardo Romero

Director of Communications- Isis Rodriguez-Khan

2024-2025 Vacancies:

  • Vice President
  • Secretary
  • Director of Student Affairs
  • Director of Sustainability
  • Director of Finances
  • Senator for Business, Hospitality, and Entrepreneurship: Acct., Econ., Bus., Medical Office Specialist, Entrepreneurship, Culinary, Baking
  • Senator for Natural Resources and the Environment: Ag., Earth Science, Enviro. Hort., Geology, Nat. Sciences, Plant Protection
  • Senator for Arts, Communication, and Culture: Anthropology, Arts & Humanities, Chicana/o Studies, Child Dev., Comm., ECE, Engl., History, Psych., Span.
  • Senator for Lake County Campus: represents the student body of Lake County Campus
  • Senator Colusa County Campus: represents the student body of Colusa County Campus
  • Senators (General) x3
Learn more about how you can join your student government! Email us at aswcc.yccd.edu


Online Election Packet 

Printable Election Packet 

Student Trustee Election Packet

2024-2025 Election Timeline:

March 4:                     Election packets are available via hard copy or digital.

April 22:                      Election packets are due to the Office of Retention and Student Life by 5pm.

April 23:                       Student eligibility screening period. Campus administration will verify eligibility; students will be notified by 5pm, April 23 of their status.

April 24-April 30:        Campaign period.

May 1-2:                      Online voting.

May 4:                         Election results posted at by 4pm.

May 16:                       Oath of Office 12pm.

Qualifications for becoming a member of the Council:

-Must have completed or have in progress at least 5 units.

– Must have completed 12 or more units at WCC prior to taking office (for President or Vice President only)

-Must be enrolled in 5 or more units per semester while in office

-Must maintain a GPA of 2.0 or higher while in office

-Must attend all meetings in May until they are installed

-Must complete ethics training by September

-Must be able to attend weekly meetings on Thursdays 12-1 pm

For a list of positions and their duties please visit our Officer Duties page here: Officer Duties 


Any eligible student may seek an appointment to an open position for more information please email ASWCC@yccd.edu