Upcoming Flex Workshops

Transcending a Racialized Existence , (Scheduled) - W4858 09:00 AM, 01/31/2025 Flex Hours: 3 For those interested in pursuing ways to transcend our racialized worldview, we will review the major themes from “What is the Color of Your Heart?” and discuss the ways in which abolitionists worked together to create a more just world. The themes f...   Details here Register!
Intro to Online Teaching and Learning (DE Certification Course) , (Scheduled) - W4732 08:00 AM, 02/03/2025 Flex Hours: 60 This course will introduce you to effective practices in online instruction and California Virtual College (CVC) standards for quality course design. While participating in this course, you will design an online learning unit and course orientation m...   Details here Register!