Give to WCC Foster Care Programs
About WCC Foster and Kinship Care Education (FKCE) and Independent Living Programs:
The WCC Foster and Kinship Care Education (FKCE) and Independent Living Programs serves CA Resource Parents – foster, kinship, adoptive – providers, along with individuals interested in becoming resource parents and our County’s Transitional Age Youth and Young Adult Dependents. These programs provide free classes, workshops and on-going support.
The mission of FKCE is to provide quality education and training for resource parents – care providers of youth in out-of-home care so that these providers can meet the child’s educational, emotional, behavioral and developmental needs. There are 424,000 reasons to provide education and support to families caring for children placed outside their birth families. This is the number of youth in the United States living in foster care as of 2020 (ifoster) .
Youth Engagement Strategies for Success – Independent Living Program (ILP) is a partnership between Woodland Community College, Foundation for CA Community Colleges, Yolo County Office of Education and Yolo County Health & Human Service Agency, Transitional Age Youth Unit. Teen and young adult dependents, those 14 to 21-years-old touched by foster care, are provided an array of classes, addressing Financial Literacy, Health & Wellness, College Preparation, Job Readiness, Relationships, Pregnancy Prevention, Housing, and Resource Navigation just to name a few. Our team of three CA Foster Youth AmeriCorps service members serve to up-lift our young people with Ansel Casey Life Skills Assessments, individual academic and financial literacy tutoring, and personal life skill coaching.
Within ILP we do our best to make certain each young person feels connected and valued. For holidays, birthdays, and graduations we make a big deal of it, giving gifts, cards, support and most important of all, an extension of kindness and humankind. If you are open to contributing to these endeavors, we appreciate your financial support that allows us to extend and enhance our programs.
Because You Care, we continue to help change lives and open wider doors to the future for our community’s most vulnerable population of children, youth and non-minor dependents. Thank you from the WCC FKCE, ILP and CA Foster Youth Initiative AmeriCorps team!