The Upward Bound (UB) Program at Woodland Community College is a federally funded pre-collegiate program for high school students, from designated schools. The program is designed to motivate and prepare students, with academic potential, for success in education beyond high school. Students must meet the income criteria and/or being a potential first-generation college student.
Program participants will benefit from the following services: academic counseling, college and financial aid application assistance, essential skills workshops, tutoring, college visits, and cultural activities. All program services are FREE, but a serious commitment from the student and family is expected. Mandatory weekly tutoring attendance is required. UB activities are scheduled throughout the school year and that include a MANDATORY seven-week Academic Summer Program so that students can earn college credits while still in high school.
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Who’s eligible for UB?
Students who are:
(a) Attending Williams High School or Pierce High School (8th can apply the summer prior to going into 9th grade)
(b) Have a minimum GPA of 2.5
(c) AND You also need to meet ONE or more of the following criteria:
1. Be a first generation college student (neither parent has received a four-year college degree);
2. Meet federal low-income guidelines (as determined by the federal government)
Application Checklist
- Complete and sign the application
- Personal Statement (pg. 3)
- Complete “Student Financial Eligibility Information” (pg. 3).
- Lastly, Submit the completed application to one of our offices. Now available online too.
Selection Process
Only complete applications from eligible students will be reviewed. After the initial screening, eligible applicants and their parents will be invited to a short interview with project staff. In a competitive situation, priority will be given to applicants who demonstrate (1) the greatest need for support and (2) the strongest desire to be an active and engaged UB scholar. Space is limited and students are highly encouraged to submit applications as soon as possible.