Mobile Alert System

- Run from danger - run to safety
- Plan in advance how you would get out
- When safe, call 911 or Campus PD at 530-741-6771
- Find a location away from windows
- Lock and barricade doors
- Turn off lights
- Be quiet - silence your cell phone
- Last Resort! Attempt to disrupt or incapacitate the shooter
- Be Aggressive - commit to your actions
- Throw items - improvise weapons (e.g. chair, fire extinguisher, etc.)
If you are wounded, stay calm and apply pressure to slow down the bleeding.
- Call 9-911 and then Notify District Police at (530) 741-
6771 - Ensure the safety of students and other staff
- Work as a team in response
- Defuse the situation, if possible, without putting
yourself in harm’s way - Use a calm voice and low tones in addressing the
assailant - If behavior escalates, shout “Stop! and continue to use a
calm voice - Disperse onlookers and keep others from congregating
- Ensure first aid is rendered to all injured parties
- Do not leave the victim alone
- Seal off area to preserve evidence for law enforcement
- Identify the assailant by name and description (e.g. clothing, height)
- If the assailant has left the building, determine direction and mode of travel
- If assailant leaves in a vehicle, provide description of the vehicle and license number
If you are exposed to blood or other potentially infec- tions materials:
1. Immediately wash area(s) with soap and water and use an emergency eyewash or shower for 15 minutes.
2. Notify your supervisor.
3. Call 9-911 and then notify the Campus Police Im- mediately at (530) 741-6771 or call Rideout Hospital Emergency at (530) 749-4300.
4. Complete an Incident Report Form from HR.
DURING AN EARTHQUAKE: Seek cover, tell others to seek cover and protect your head. If you are indoors, stay there—get under a desk or table away from glass and heavy equipment. People in wheelchairs move quickly toward cover between doorways, if possible and lock your wheels. Outdoors, move to an open area away from falling hazards. Avoid utility lines—they may be energized. Be ready for more shaking!
AFTER THE QUAKE: Stay calm and evaluate your sur- roundings. Evacuate as necessary (fire, gas leaks, etc.), follow the directions of emergency personnel. Regroup and take roll—notify responding emergency personnel of missing or injured. Give first aid based upon your level of training. Do not reenter damaged buildings. Move to Evacuation Assembly Areas for fur- ther information and assistance. Locate your Depart- ment Safety Leader for help and/or guidance.
YC Maintenance & Operations—(530 ) 741-6775
WCC Maintenance & Operations – (530) 681-8065
CL Campus Operations—(707) 995-7900
Sutter Campus Operations Director – (530) 751-5564
Colusa County Outreach—(530) 668-2500
For service to repair any of the following, please call your appropriate campus Facility Office Number:
UTILITIES: Repairs to water, gas, electrical and sewage systems
STRUCTURES: Repairs to buildings including heating and cooling systems.
ELEVATOR: Stuck doors, lighting and repair.
EQUIPMENT: Portable pumps, generators, floodlights, welders, forklifts, etc.
TRANSPORTATION: Vans, Light pickup trucks, dump trucks bucket trucks and tractors.
GROUNDS: Landscape related problems such as limb removal or ruptured sprinkler lines.
YC Maintenance & Operations—(530 ) 741-6775
WCC Maintenance & Operations – (530) 681-8065
CL Campus Operations—(707) 995-7900
Sutter Campus Operations Director – (530) 751-5564
Colusa County Outreach Operations—(530) 668-2500
Always call 9-911 first and then District Police at: (530) 741-6771
YC or Linda Fire Dept.—(530 743-1553
Woodland Fire Dept. (530) 661-5860
Clear Lake Fire Dept. (707) 994-2170
Yuba City Fire Dept. (530) 822-4686
Colusa Fired Dept. (530) 458-5890
- Leave the room and close the door
- Sound the buildings evacuation alarm
- Evacuate the building and proceed to the assembly area.
- Notify police or firefighters if you believe someone may be trapped inside the building
If you become trapped in a building during a fire and a window is available, place an article of clothing (shirt, coat, etc.) against the inside of the closed window as a marker for rescue crews. If there is no window, get down on the floor where the air will be less toxic. Shout at regular intervals to alert emergency crews of your loca-
1. You smell but cannot see smoke or if you see smoke coming from the ventilation system.
2. If a fire or evacuation alarm sounds.
3. all for every fire, no matter how small, even if the fire is already out, since a report is required by law. Assist those with disabilities or special needs who often have unique needs that require more detailed planning in the event of an emergency or disaster.
VERY IMPORTANT: Learn the location of fire extinguishers, fire
exists, and alarm systems in your area and how to use them.
- Location (including room number if inside a building)
- Name (description, if qualified to do so)
- Injuries
- Your name
- Department and phone extension
VERY IMPORTANT All spills must be RECORDED (in a spill log) and some must also be REPORTED to regula- tory authorities. Fill out departmental hazardous materials spill log and also report ALL hazardous ma- terial incidents to the MAINTENANCE OFFICE AT: YC—(530) 741-6775
WCC—(530) 681-8065
Clear the affected area. Seal if off to prevent furher Contamination. If you are contaminated by the spill, avoid contaminating others. Remain in the vicinity at a Safe distance. Obtain first aid and cleanup by specialized
authorities at once. In the event of a gas leak, case call opera- tions and leave the building immediately. DO NOT SWITCH OFF OR ON LIGHTS OR ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT OF ANY
KIND!! Electrical arcing may trigger an explosion!! From an- other building or remote location, call 9-911 and then District Police at (530) 741-6771 for YC or for WCC call (530) 681-
Assist those with disabilities or other special needs who often have unique needs that require more detailed planning in the event of an emergency or disaster.
Call 9-911 and then the District Police at (530) 741-6771 or Woodland Campus Police at (530) 681-8782
- Severe chest pains
- Uncontrolled bleeding
- Respiratory distress or stopping of breath- ing
- Prolonged unconsciousness
- Any Complaint or observation that indi- cates head or spinal cord injury
- Shock
- Choking
- Poisoning
- Overdose
- Severe Burns
NOTE: District Police do not transport injured people or conduct medical evaluations.
VERY IMPORTANT: Provide first aid based upon your level of training
Call 9-911 and then notify the appropriate site’s facility office at the number listed below. When Maintenance & Operations personnel are not available, call the District Police at (530) 741-6771.
YC Maintenance & Operations—(530 ) 741-6775
WCC Maintenance & Operations – (530) 681-8065
CL Campus Operations—(707) 995-7900
Sutter Campus Operations Director – (530) 751-5564
Colusa County Outreach—(530) 668-2500
Gas Leak—Stop all operations. Leave the building. Do not switch off or on lights or any electric equipment, call 9-911 and then the District Police at (530) 741-
Smoke—If smoke odors come from the ventilation sys- tem, immediately call 9-911 and then the District Police at (530) 741-6771.
Plumbing failure or flooding—Stop using all electrical equipment. Vacate the area if necessary. Call 9-911 and then notify the Maintenance & Operations personnel at your campus site by calling the appropriate number listed above.
Electrical or light failure—Campus lighting may not provide sufficient illumination for safe exiting. Keep a light stick, flashlight and portable radio available for emergencies.
Elevator failure—Notify Maintenance & Operations personnel at your site using the appropriate number listed above. If you are trapped in the elevator, call 9-911 and then notify District Police using the emergency phone. If there is no phone in the elevator, turn on the emergency alarm (in red) located on the front panel to signal for help.
If you witness a criminal act or robbery, if possible:
1) Follow the instructions of the perpetrator
2) Observe the person(s) carefully for
- Physical description (height, weight, hair, clothes etc.)
- Type of weapon displayed, if any
- Number of perpetrators
- Behavior (nervous, calm, etc.)
3) Upon departure of the perpetrators(s):
- Call 9-911 and then notify the campus police department at 741-6771
- Note the exact time of departure and the direction of travel if possible.
- If possible, write the year, make, mod- el, color, and license number of the vehicle.
- Write a description of the property
stolen - Safeguard the robbery scene for physi- cal evidence by locking the door or preventing persons from entering the area.
Assist the police when they arrive by supplying them with any information they request; ask others to do the same.