Woodland Community College Awarded $3 Million Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) Grant to Launch Escalera STEM Initiative

Woodland Community College (WCC) is excited to announce that it has been awarded a prestigious Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) grant from the U.S. Department of Education. With more than 50% of the student body identifying as Hispanic/Latinx, this grant holds special significance and reaffirms the college’s commitment to supporting the academic success of Hispanic/Latinx students. The $3 million, five-year grant will fund the Escalera Initiative, a campus-wide strategy designed to support Hispanic/Latinx students in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields.


Despite STEM careers being some of the fastest-growing and highest-paying, Hispanic/Latinx students often face barriers to entering and completing degrees in these fields. Currently, only 8% of the STEM workforce is Hispanic/Latinx, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.  Escalera aims to address this disparity, helping close the talent gap and ensuring equitable representation in critical STEM sectors by providing Woodland Community College students with exposure to STEM career pathways and built-in support to boost their success.


The word “escalera,” meaning “ladder” in Spanish, represents the initiative’s mission to provide Hispanic/Latinx and other underrepresented students with the tools and support necessary to achieve economic mobility and success in STEM careers. Through a coordinated network of academic support and workforce development, WCC seeks to break down barriers to STEM education and increase the number of Hispanic/Latinx students pursuing these high-demand pathways.


“The Escalera Initiative is poised to be transformative for our students,” said Dr. Lizette Navarette, President of Woodland Community College. “This is more than just an expansion of opportunities—it’s a bold step toward breaking down systemic barriers that have held back our Hispanic/Latinx students in STEM for too long. We are proud to be at the forefront of this movement, empowering our students to not only succeed but to thrive in these high-impact, high-wage careers.”


The Escalera Initiative will focus on three key goals:


1. Academic Achievement: The initiative aims to increase the number of Hispanic/Latinx and low-income students earning credentials in STEM fields, expanding access to high-demand careers for historically underrepresented groups.


2. Institutional Commitment: Escalera will enhance WCC’s institutional infrastructure, strengthening advising, mentoring, and career services to ensure Hispanic/Latinx and low-income students receive the resources they need to succeed in STEM programs.


3. Time to Degree: The initiative will reduce the time it takes for Hispanic/Latinx students to complete their degrees by streamlining educational pathways and improving persistence and transfer rates, ultimately enabling students to graduate faster and enter the workforce sooner.


Director of the Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement (MESA) program, Dr. Lorena Navarro,  which is dedicated to supporting underserved and underrepresented students in achieving success in math- and science-based degrees, has long recognized the need for a comprehensive, campus-wide strategy to further this mission, adding, “We are immensely grateful for this $3 million grant, which will empower us to enhance our STEM services at Woodland Community College. This funding is not just an investment in our programs, but in the dreams and futures of our students.”


Woodland Community College looks forward to launching the Escalera Initiative and is excited to kick off implementation efforts with campus and community stakeholders.


For more information or media inquiries, please contact: Carid Servin at CServin@yccd.edu.