Why Woodland Community College?
The Individual is Valued
The faculty are experienced instructors, skilled in discovering and developing the interests and capabilities of their students. The ability to communicate with faculty members minimizes the danger that a student may become confused and lost in the hurry and bustle of college life and emphasizes the importance of the individual.
Easier Transition to University Studies
Woodland Community College bridges the gap between high school and university, making adjustment easier. The years of college education offered by Woodland Community College are an important budgetary item, especially since there is an increasing tendency for professional preparation to require more than four years of college study.
Great Value and Support
Woodland Community College enables students and their families to conserve their resources for the long period of professional training. Woodland Community College provides students with such services and activities as individualized counseling, social and cultural activities to meet the needs and patterns of all students.
Versatility and a “Second Chance”
Students will find the opportunity to adjust their studies to their individual needs; those in high school who did not meet university admission requirements may make up their deficiencies; those who want training for immediate entry into paying jobs will find the courses they need; those who wish to complete two years and transfer to a senior college or university may do so with junior (third-year) status.