Congratulations! Here is your placement recommendation.
We recommend you take ESOL 250 (credit) or ESOL 550 (noncredit) with optional support
You can also take the following support classes along with ESOL 250/550:
- ESOL 251/551 - Grammar
- ESOL 252/552 - Lab
If you are a new student, you must complete an application to the college before you can register. Click the "How to apply tab" to see the steps you must follow.
If you have more questions, you can make an appointment with a counselor to discuss your placement and class options. Please call 530-661-5703 to schedule an ESOL placement appointment. Please print the recommendations page above and take them with you to your appointment.
You can also contact Jessica Aggrey with any questions about the ESOL program. Her email is and her office phone is (530) 668-3682
What happens in this course?
This course is open to any student who wants the challenge of an academic course. You can have a low level of English, but you must be able to follow directions, understand basic English, and be willing to attempt the challenging tasks we'll be doing. We will read two complete books in this class. We will talk about the books and write about them as well. This class will help you improve your:
- Reading comprehension
- English vocabulary
- Paragraph writing skills
- Short essay writing skills
- Listening comprehension
- English grammar
You can repeat this class:
We read different books in the spring semester than we do in the fall semester. This means that you can take this class a second time to continue developing your language skills and you won't have to repeat any readings or writing assignments. This is especially helpful if you enter this class with a lower English level. If you think you will need to repeat, taking this class for noncredit is a great option.
Courses to Take at This Level
Core Course
ESOL 250 (credit) / 550 (noncredit)
This is a 6-unit hybrid reading, writing, discussion, and grammar course. This course gets you ready to take ESOL 260/560
Time Commitment: 108 in class hours | 216 out of class hours | Total class hours = 324 hours
Lab Support Course
ESOL 252 (credit) /552 (noncredit)
This class is taught in a computer lab with a trained ESOL faculty. You will be able to work on homework assignments and other language development tasks and get support from the teacher.
Content Support Course
ESOL 251 (credit) 551 (noncredit: you can add the noncredit version at any time during the semester)
This is a two-unit support course that is designed to help you be more successful in the core course (ESOL 250/550). This course will be taught by the same instructor and will provide you with more help at this level.
Time Commitment: 36 in class hours | 72 out of class hours | Total class hours = 108 hours
If you are a new student, you will need to complete an online application to the college.